
Sofia Rexach in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Enrollment, demographics, and student/teacher ratios for Sofia Rexach in San Juan, PR

Physical Address Mailing Address Student/Teacher Ratio
2024 Calle Santa Elena Cantera
San Juan, PR 00915
Po Box 14124
San Juan, PR 00915
12.2 to 1
Phone Number: (787) 728-8460 Rating: N/A Viewed: 5/13/2024

Sofia Rexach Enrollment By Gender

The student body of Sofia Rexach in San Juan, San Juan Municipio, Puerto Rico is exactly split between males and females. The total number of students attending the school is 158 with both males and females making up exactly 50% of that total (79 of 158 students).
Gender Number %
Female 79 50.0 %
Male 79 50.0 %

Sofia Rexach Enrollment By Race

The student body of Sofia Rexach in San Juan, San Juan Municipio, Puerto Rico is made up of 3 ethnicities. The largest ethnic group of the 158 students at Sofia Rexach is Hispanic. This is followed by Indian (0.6 %) and White (0.6 %).
Race Number %
Indian 1 0.6 %
Hispanic 156 98.7 %
White 1 0.6 %