
Rippey Elementary School in Rippey, Iowa

Enrollment, demographics, and student/teacher ratios for Rippey Elementary School in Rippey, IA

Physical Address Mailing Address Student/Teacher Ratio
300 Percival
Rippey, IA 50235-0290
Po Box 290
Rippey, IA 50235-0290
9.5 to 1
Phone Number: (515) 436-7721 Rating: N/A Viewed: 5/10/2024

Rippey Elementary School Enrollment By Gender

The student body of Rippey Elementary School in Rippey, Greene County, Iowa is about evenly split between males and females. The male population of the school is slightly larger; 67 of the 123 students (54.5 %) are male whereas 56 of the 123 students (45.5 %) are female.
Gender Number %
Female 56 45.5 %
Male 67 54.5 %

Rippey Elementary School Enrollment By Race

The student body of Rippey Elementary School in Rippey, Greene County, Iowa is made up of 2 ethnicities. The largest ethnic group of the 123 students at Rippey Elementary School is White. This is followed by and Hispanic (4.9 %).
Race Number %
Hispanic 6 4.9 %
White 117 95.1 %