
Luis Munoz Rivera I in Ponce, Puerto Rico

Enrollment, demographics, and student/teacher ratios for Luis Munoz Rivera I in Ponce, PR

Physical Address Mailing Address Student/Teacher Ratio
Carr 139 Sect Las Bayas Bo May
Ponce, PR 00733
Pmb 21 Po Box 2000 Suite 21
Ponce, PR 00733
13.3 to 1
Phone Number: (787) 841-6008 Rating: N/A Viewed: 5/9/2024

Luis Munoz Rivera I Enrollment By Gender

The student body of Luis Munoz Rivera I in Ponce, Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico is exactly split between males and females. The total number of students attending the school is 186 with both males and females making up exactly 50% of that total (93 of 186 students).
Gender Number %
Female 93 50.0 %
Male 93 50.0 %

Luis Munoz Rivera I Enrollment By Race

The student body of Luis Munoz Rivera I in Ponce, Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico is made up of just one ethnicity. The largest ethnic group of the 186 students at Luis Munoz Rivera I is Hispanic.
Race Number %
Hispanic 186 100.0 %